Welcome to Lady A Antiques!!!

We're glad you've found us.  We've been online since February 1997!! It's been a great 28 years!!! We are one of the oldest websites selling antiques!! We carry an interesting selection of jewelry and ladies' accessories. Our pages will be updated often, so be sure to check back regularly to see our latest offerings.  We have a no questions asked return policy if any of our items are "not talking to you" when you hold them in your hand!

Our pages are organized by type of merchandise to help you quickly find what interests you. All items are numbered for ease of ordering; items marked NEW have been recently added. Larger pictures are available for all items listed by clicking on the thumbnail photo. Links to all of our pages and our order form may be found in the frame to the left . Please check out the Order Information page for terms of sale and our guarantee of satisfaction. We are located in Illinois. WE ACCEPT PAYPAL, VISA AND MASTERCARD FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE.

Website last updated on February 23, 2025

Andra Behrendt is Lady A! andra@lady-a.com

Click here to learn about a fabulous new book on compacts---American Compacts of the Art Deco Era

Click here for the International Perfume Bottle Association website and information about the 37th annual convention that will be held in Portland, Oregon on April 25-27, 2025! Information on the IPBA's Compact and Vanity Specialty group is also on the website!

Click here for info on the phenomenal Perfume Passage! The Perfume Passage Foundation preserves the history, beauty and artistry of perfume bottles, compacts, ephemera and related vanity items. Their Journal magazine and monthly PassageWAY eNews continues to provide information on their fabulous collection! Join the email list on their website at perfumepassage.com.